Monday 22 September 2014

#Lab14 Rant......

I know Party Conferences belong to a complete Otherworld of Unreality, supposedly about policy, (speeches, full of sound and fury signifying nothing), networking (drinking, gossip and sycophancy) and energising party members (why does everyone come home exhausted?) but in reality, they are a hugely expensive way of getting on the TV and grabbing headlines.  Last year, I thought the key message of energy price freezes was, well, quite good.  Thousands of people die due to the cold every year, while energy companies make vast profits. Yes, of course I'd have preferred re-nationalisation, actually wouldn't everyone? We will have a single energy provider, with costs controlled by us and any surpluses going to schools and hospitals - can anyone tell me why that's a bad idea? 

This year, an increase in the National Minimum Wage. To a level still below the Living Wage for London, but an increase - which is better than a freeze, right?  This morning - the headlines are: We will be tough on Child Benefit.  Right.  Tough, as in reversing the horrendous attack on families with children since 2010, as every fiscal study shows overwhelmingly that children in low income families suffered the most due to austerity?  Nope.  Tough as in freezing it or keeping the Tory set 1% cap.  That would be the cap Labour opposed? Yes.  And presumably by singling out Child Benefit, the message is what - we'll be tough on, erm, children?  Hey, what a shame there's not a Puppy benefit, you could be tough on that too.

Who thinks up these ideas? Clearly not Party Conference.  Almost certainly, some shiny haired bright young thing, destined for a safe seat somewhere.  Does anyone ever stop to wonder what real people think, or consider why the distrust and cynicism in the political class grows wider and deeper, while UKIP surge in places like Clapton and Rotherham.  And if so, do they do anything about it?  I think we know. 

Here are my entirely random ideas for headline grabbing. Am not shiny faced, bright young thing, but me and my focus group of two cats think they're better than Tough on Child Benefit. 

1. Give vote at 16, based on Scottish experience. I think it's already policy, but promise it from first day in office. 

2. Force every MP to hold quarterly Question Time sessions in their constituency, at which a full list of expenses claimed and votes cast, along with a report of all work carried out on their behalf.

3. Hold a referendum on the re nationalisation of energy, rail and water.

4. Write off student debt of every graduate who works in NHS for five years following graduation.  Or any public service.  Insist employers with skills gaps pay back a proportion too.  

5. Stop MPs taking on any outside work whilst in office.

There, five random ideas, none as radical as I'd personally like, but each headline grabbing in their own way and only likely to be controversial to those who probably are never going to vote Labour. Iwhy is it so hard?  Because, I believe, there's a consensus to keep the ship steady, forgetting that said ship is a centuries old vessel of privilege, inequality and oppression.  The sooner it hits the rocks the better.  What we want is an Opposition that does what it says on the tin, oppose the Government and not the working people of this country.  


  1. Good blog - agree with most of it but would go further.

    Tried emailing but your InBox is full and the email bounced. Are you still off work?

    BTW- Your AO Olli Foster_Burnell has been making all the papers as a consumer champion taking on the evil banks and winning! Shame he doesn't admit to his TU work. Clever guy though - should go far.

    Hope you are soon better and back fighting the good fight.


    1. Hi- I am back now after an accident. It hasn't been my year. Cleared my work inbox so should work.

      Oli does sometimes mention his TU work, but is aware he needs to be clear this is in a personal capacity too. Yep, he's great.
